For Summer 2024 we'll be hosting 11 meets on most Tuesday evenings from May 7th to July 30th. Each meet will have two courses, a shorter easier one and a longer mildly more technical one.
6:00pm - Courses open
7:15pm - Starts close
7:30pm - Courses close and clean-up begins
Admission covers both courses. Most runners should have time for both. If you're planning to walk you will only have time for one or the other. The longer courses typically take the fastest racers about 20 minutes to complete walkers would be closer to 50-60 minutes. The shorter course typically takes the fastest racers about 10-12 minutes to complete and walkers 30-40 minutes. Keep this in mind before starting a course, if you are on a course after 7:30 some points on your course may already have been picked up.
Ways to Register:
Season Pass: will be available for $50 that will cover all the meets (excluding the chase), no additional registration per event will be needed with the season pass. Show up, grab your map & fingerstick and go.
Single Event Registration $7: for a single in-person event will be available for $7. Registration will close at midnight the day of the race.
What to Bring:
​​ Wear something comfortable that you don't mind getting a little dirty or possibly tears in! If you are doing an advanced course we recommend wearing pants or leggings to reduce scratches from branches and thorns.
Compass if you have one. Most of the time the map alone is enough, but sometimes on the advanced courses having a compass will save your bacon. We typically have a few loaners, but they are first come first serve.
Bug spray
Whistle for emergencies