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E.P. "Tom" Sawyer State Park
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Meet Director: Justin Feaster




The Night Owl is a night orienteering Score O at EP Sawyer State Park!  We are offering a 2-hour Score-O and a beginner friendly White Course that is good for families and Scout groups.  All controls will have a reflector on them that will illuminate 75'-150' away when shined on by a headlamp or flashlight.




WHITE (beginner) - point to point course in the main part of the park


2-HOUR SCORE-O - find as many controls as you can in 2 hours.  Harder to find controls are worth more points.  There is a penalty for coming back after the 2-hours that is a deduction of points per minute late. 

FINGERSTICK NOTE: If you own a fingerstick, it needs to be model SI-9 (#1000000-1999999) or higher that can store 50 controls.  If you have a model SI-8 (#2000000 - 2999999) or lower (stores 30 controls), please indicate that you need a loaner fingerstick in the registration.


TIMES (all EST):


5:30 PM - 6:00 PM - Free Beginners Clinic - Limited availability - please register for the clinic on the registration page.


6:00 PM - White Course Opens - White course participants can start any time between 6 PM and 7PM.


6:30 PM - Night Owl Check-In/Map Pickup - Check in with meet directors and pick up your map. Start planning your route.


7:00 PM - Night Owl Mass Start - All participants start at once and have 2 hours to complete as many controls as they can before the time limit.


9:00 PM - Courses Close Everyone must return and check-in by this time. 




$15.00 and includes one map and one loaner fingerstick (if needed).

$3.00 for an extra map.

OLOU Club members who are current on their dues will receive a coupon code via email for $3.00 off.  Become a member here.

All must be paid through the registration page.  No money will be collected on-site.


If you are orienteering with someone else in a "team" - please note it in the TEAM SECTION of the registration to help the registrar match you with the other person(s).



- Headlamp or flashlight with fresh batteries

- Back-up light highly recommended

- Compass

- Watch

- Emergency whistle (use three long blasts to indicate you are injured)

- Water (there won't be any water or food provided)

- Comfortable outdoor shoes and clothing that can get potentially dirty

- A change of clothes, socks and shoes are recommended for after the event as the evening dew will probably set-in



E.P. Tom Sawyer S.P. - 3000 Freys Hill Road - Louisville, KY

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