General Butler State Park, Carrollton, KY
March 6 & 7, 2021
This will be a joint OCIN / OLOU weekend with FOUR EVENTS on a NEW MAP at General Butler State Park near Carrollton, KY. There will be plenty of orienteering to make this a fun-tastic weekend. The park also has mini-golf and other activities. General Butler State Park will be holding 30 lodge rooms and 4 2-bedroom cottages for our group at special rates. You must make your reservations directly with the park, before Feb. 1. (rooms could sell out sooner). Lodge rooms $79.95 per night plus taxes and resort fee; 2 bedroom cottages $114.95 plus taxes and resort fee. To make a reservation, call the park at (502) 732-4384. Our group code is 5175, which can also be used to make your reservation online. All accommodations are non-smoking and there is an additional fee for pets in lodge rooms or cottages. There is also camping
Saturday will be the TROL / WARS Season Finale with a full range of regular courses from white to red. TROL and WARS season awards will be presented later that afternoon, tentatively at 4 pm.
Saturday Night - Night Score-O Course with a 2 hour time limit. Find as many of the controls as you can, in any order, but return within 2 hours or lose points. Start times will be assigned between 6:30 and 7, with youngest and less experienced orienteers being assigned earlier start times. Sunset is approximately 6:40.
Sunday Morning will be a Team Relay, hosted by OLOU, staggered starts from 10am. 3 person teams, with a points system based on age and gender. Courses will be short and fast. So everyone can participate. There will be 3 categories based on the total number of age/gender points. Don't have a team? Don't worry, we can find a team for you! (contact your club team coordinator, link soon) See below for all information regarding the Relay.
Sunday Afternoon will be a Search and Destroy Score-O. This will collect all of the controls from the weekend. If you get to a control first, you get to bring it back and score points. How many can you get to first?
Event Fees: Any single event: $10 for members; $15 for non-members. The Sat TROL/WARS event is free for TROL/WARS season pass holders. Weekend pass (all 4 events): TROL/WARS pass holders $20; Members of OCIN, OLOU, OBLUE, ICO, or other OUSA club: $30; Non-members: $40. Pre-registration is required (link soon) and will close at 9 pm on Wed, March 3.
Directions: General Butler State Resort Park, 1608 KY Route 227, Carrollton, KY 41008. From I-71 between Cincinnati and Louisville, take exit 44 to KY 227. From either direction, turn right (north toward Carrollton) on 227. Go about 1.7 to 2 miles and turn left on the park entrance road. Once you enter the park, watch for "orienteering" signs.
TEAMS To qualify for awards and/or bragging rights, teams must be made up 3 individuals from the same club. It is up to the clubs to determine eligibility (membership).
TEAMMATES You can put your own team together. If you need help forming a team, we will help find you a team.
CATEGORIES Each team will fit into 1 category. Your team’s category is defined as the total combined points of all your team members. You can calculate the total with the point calculation chart. The total points of your team must fit into one of these categories. For example: if your “dream team” has a combined total of only 3 points, you will have to replace someone in your team with someone else to bring your total points to at least 4 points. 4 points is the minimum number of points any team can have.
COURSES Each category has a different set of 3 courses. Your team decides who goes on each course. (See Course Chart)
SEGMENTS Each person will run one segment. If you are on the 2 nd or 3 rd segment, you have to wait until your teammate finishes his or her segment and punches the finish control before you start. START The starts will be staggered so that we will have only 3 people starting at the same time, with the 2 nd wave starting 2 minutes behind and so on. The initial 3 people that start will have 3 different first control points. The first segment runners will pick up the map on a clothes line after the start. *The exception here is the first segment runner on the 12+ teams will be able to pick up the map 5 minutes before the start. Very young runners will be allowed to get help from a parent in viewing the course while in the starting chute waiting.
HANDOFF There will be no touching as your team exchanges from segment to segment. The finisher will
go into one of 3 marked chutes and hit finish control at the end of the chute. The next segment runner will be close enough so that hearing the beep or a hand wave that signals they can start. Segment runners that follow will not have to hit a Start Control. All segment runners will be taking their map off of a line after they have started. Maps will be clearly labeled.
FINISH The last segment runner must hit the finish control and download. The finish control for the
last segment will not be at the starting and handoff area but will be clearly visible with finishing
signs and a finish chute. Since the starts are staggered, the order of the team finish times will
be delayed.
TIMES Start time for the relay will be 10:30am on Sunday, March 7
DETAILS Registration will be through the OCIN Website. Online registration is absolutely necessary
*The relay is the only race of the weekend without Air+ cards. We will have e-punching so
any fingerstick you own including Air+, will work.
Point Calculation Chart

Relay Legs by Division

*Yellow will be a mixed white/yellow course

*Course lengths approximate and will be updated
The Relay will have 4 starting chutes. 4+, 8+, 12+ and Open. Only the first segment from each team will be starting. The other 2 will wait at the finish line and go in order as shown. The sample below has example teams. 3 teams from each category are shown.